Implemented HR Initiatives
- Enhanced qualification requirements for all positions in UCC and a number of subsidiaries and affiliates;
- The evaluation of job matching in subsidiaries and affiliates (SSAP LLP , Polymer Production LLP ) has been conducted;
- Procedures have been introduced for mandatory transfer of knowledge and experience to Kazakh employees with involvement of highly professional foreign labor force. For attracted foreign employees in Partnership and subsidiaries and affiliate efficiency factor on transfer of knowledge and experience to Kazakh employees will be established ;
- Increased workers proportion certified under various programs on project management;
- As part of senior and middle managers in training program, mandatory leadership development program has been included;
- The integrated personnel management processes is monitored through regular personnel audit;
- Analysis of the current policy and practice of remuneration of UCC administrative personnel, taking into account competitiveness with the external market, has been carried out;
- According to D. Ulrich HR classical models HR business partners are introduced in structure of the company. Information about the roles of HR business partners in the context of UCC and UCC Group of companies is represented in figures below.
In particular, in 2018, HR business partners began advising employees on the correct goal setting to ensure cascading of strategic goals and functional goals of the structural unit to level of individual employees with involvement of their employees and line managers, as well as selection of effective training and development areas.
- According to analysis of wage system in subsidiaries and affiliates in Polymer Production LLP average salary of low-paid workers, which is lower than average monthly salary in Atyrau region (according to official statistics) has been recorded. Measures taken to increase the wages of low-paid employees – the company has 9 low-paid employees, since 01.12.2018 the wages of these employees have been increased by 10 %;
- On the 19th of March 2019 UCC took part in a meeting with graduates of “Zhas Orken” program. On the 12th of April 2019 a meeting with graduates of the “Zhas Orken 2017” program (with participation of ChemParkTaraz JSC representatives, IT block of UCC). Since 2018, young specialists of the Zhas Orken program in various specializations in field of Economics and Finance, chemical technologies have been rotating in subsidiaries and affiliates;
- Since the 5th of August of this year UCC LLP and its subsidiaries and affiliates actively participated in implementation of Samryk-Qyzmet Fund project (online recruitment platform) and start to engage in filling information on vacancies and conducted competitions for administrative positions. At the moment, all subsidiary and affiliate partnerships registered and filled their sections in Samryk-Qyzmet information about vacancies.