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Corporate governance
Press Center
- Careers
We are open to meetings, discussions and dialogue. We strive to build long-term cooperation with stakeholders based on consideration of mutual interests, respect for rights and balance between the interests of the Company and stakeholders.
We acknowledge our accountability for the impact on the economy, the environment and society. We acknowledge our responsibility to shareholders and investors for the growth of long-term value and sustainable development of the Partnership and subsidiaries in the long term. We strive to minimize the negative impact of our activities on the environment and society through careful treatment of resources (including energy, raw materials, water), consistent reduction of emissions, waste, and the introduction of high-performance, energy- and resource-saving technologies. We pay taxes and other statutory fees to the state budget. We maintain and create jobs as part of our development strategy and opportunities. We strive to promote the development of the area in which we operate within the framework of our strategy and within the available financial capabilities. We thoughtfully and intelligently make decisions and perform actions at every level, starting from the level of officials and ending with employees. We strive to introduce innovative technologies aimed at careful and responsible use of resources, increasing labor productivity. Our products, goods and services must comply with consumer health and safety standards established by law and be of proper quality. We value our customers.
Our decisions and actions should be clear and transparent to stakeholders. We disclose the information provided by the legislation and our documents in a timely manner, taking into account the standards for the protection of confidential information.
Our decisions and actions are based on our values, such as respect, honesty, openness, team spirit and trust, integrity and fairness.
We respect the rights and interests of stakeholders that arise from legislation, concluded contracts, or indirectly within the framework of business relationships.
Our decisions, actions and behavior comply with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the decisions of the Company’s management bodies.
We observe and promote the observance of human rights provided for by the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and international documents, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We categorically do not accept and prohibit the use of child labor. Our employees are our main value and main resource, the results of our activities and the value created for investors directly depend on the level of their professionalism and safety. Therefore, we attract professional candidates from the labor market on an open and transparent basis and develop our employees based on the principle of meritocracy. We ensure the safety and labor protection of our employees. We conduct wellness programs and provide social support to employees. We create an effective system of motivation and development of employees. We develop corporate culture.
Corruption destroys the value that our organizations create for our shareholders, investors, other stakeholders and society as a whole. We declare intolerance to corruption in any of its manifestations in cooperation with all stakeholders. Officials and employees involved in corruption cases are subject to dismissal and prosecution in accordance with the procedure provided for by laws. Internal control systems in the Company and subsidiaries should include, among other things, measures aimed at preventing, detention and identifying corruption offenses. We will develop a dialogue with stakeholders to raise their awareness in the fight against corruption.
Serious violations related to a conflict of interest can damage the reputation of the Company, subsidiaries and undermine the trust in them on the part of shareholders and other stakeholders. The personal interests of an official or employee should not influence the impartial performance of their official, functional duties. In relations with partners, the Partnership and subsidiaries, counting on the establishment and preservation of fiduciary relations, in which the parties are obliged to act towards each other as honestly, conscientiously, fairly and loyally as possible, take measures to prevent, identify and exclude conflicts of interest.
Each of us contributes to the implementation of the principles of sustainable development every day in our actions, behavior and decision-making. Officials and employees holding managerial positions should motivate by their personal example to implement the principles of sustainable development